September 13, 2020
At a time when Media Trials have become one of the mainstream spots, here’s a discussion between the legal experts and media professionals for a reality check.
August 29, 2020
A conversation between stakeholders on how technology has played its role in the COVID-19 era. Right from enabling people to business dynamics.
August 16, 2020
When contempt is being talked of across all news channels, here’s a clutter free and balanced view of what the rulebook says, of course with a connect to the present.
August 9, 2020
Reminding you of quite easily and often forgotten moral aspects as and when constitution holds the key. Have an interesting stream through.
August 8, 2020
During the times when the IBC remains suspended due to the COVID19 hit, we bring to you an in-depth analysis of various intricacies of the code and its history in India.
August 2, 2020
There are moments when one calls out for a human approach rather than just a legal one. Here’s a sensitive, emotional and yet empowering dialogue on insolvency.
August 1, 2020
Seldom do we see a high power and less noise discussion these days. Here’s one of them with stalwarts all across the globe.
August 1, 2020
– The kangaroo courts have now become more relevant than ever. However, when it comes to delivering justice, would they only be an enabler or sometimes an influencer?
July 26, 2020
Back to Basics. Here’s an insider and know it all about the PMLA 2002. With all important aspects looked into, a few case studies as well to add a practical insight.
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